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tv   [untitled]    September 25, 2011 7:30am-8:00am EDT

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if you're just joining us here on r.t. a very well see we're doing the weekly with the week's top stories the guessing game is over president yeah they're from prime minister putin could swap jobs after the two thousand and twelve presidential election both pledging to continue the path of modernization and economic stability if if they were. palestine's un statehood bid euphoria degenerate center clashes as crowds in the west bank find themselves battling heavily on the israeli right squats. and europe's top financial figures plan for an inevitable greek default that's according to
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a new crew that follows sliding markets and fears of a double dip recession on the horizon. ok i'm more on what saturday's announcements mean for russia the latest edition of our india future spotlight is right now. well see british scientists on the spot on the right let's go. to the. markets why not. find out what's really happening to the global economy because a report on our. free to. tell again to log on to spotlight the interview show on r.t.
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i'll do we are going today we're talking about the presidential race the decade's biggest political mystery has been find so gladly put in this presidential bid being nominated by the ruling united russia country to many out of its beliefs that caused the conflict inside the timestamp as the nomination is backed by the current president dmitri medvedev did a lot to agree to the bump in his prime minister if putin and dr gushee party are telling us that means russia's top political elite is unlikely to change to meet the next six or even twelve years. to russia what do we have to expect from the reshuffle to and then after december and also march two thousand and twelve when the presidential election will take place we'll be discussing this with a little analyst and research fellow at the institute of world economy and its national
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nation's heated home and a political columnist nature about it so let's start with what retreat medvedev had to say. i believe it would be right for the conventions to support the candidacy of let's hear from him in the presidential election. was . this applause means i don't have to explain what kind of experience and authority led him right in the house. thank you for your skillful and i'd like to see something else despite rumors that it is going to split some of you know it turns him i've been saying that this was a well thought through decision. tree. mr babich mr howarth thank you very much for joining us on the show welcome to the spotlight is this it so do we know the name of the next russian president exactly
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the things who already know was the name of the next trashing president and they're now trashing of prime minister but you know i think it's not due to the bureaucratic reasons and some experts say i think that was him of putin has been over twelve years in public politics he has proven to be a real leader of a new russia russia and he has almost doubled in the last twelve years while social stability and steady development have been achieved so there are good grounds for continuing the. way of conducting borth foreign and domestic policy and most russians who really support the stand on to do dimitri agree that this is it. the intrigue intrigue is no no longer there i would say never say you're sure especially in russia because the country. we have seen
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a lot of times during the last twenty years or maybe even i would say twenty five years that it's very difficult to predict something in russia for sure the situation may develop in a lot of ways but. fortunately or unfortunately now it's more or less clear that in march the president will be inviting more put. according to to a change in the constitution the russian president will be elected for six years he could be there for two terms so do you think that let me put it will be there for the next twelve years or. we cannot be so sure now we will never know we're talking about about six your opinion well i think the russian elite since one thousand nine hundred one has been pursuing two apes first team is political stability to keep power and money. the second is to integrate this new elite into the western political you put in is responsible for the first priority so he will be number one
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and he was number one during most of those years and made very different responsible for the second priority so he will always be number two in so they stand. in general we'll see how the situation develops i think the choice of fulton you know the time called keep running with medvedev first to go through yet another term i think the choice short of that there are some hard times ahead so the time in turning point for him sound for russia and for the war you know the euro groundling lots of other things. europe is russia's largest economic partner so when europe gets gets a call that russia will be also sneezing so all this near the opted for a safer bet not during the best of. the quarrel they would call medvedev lame duck right now do you think in russia he would be a lame duck now i mean bad by american standards are not or is that where it's
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different in russian politics i think in russia it's different and first of all the basic reason and that you know not only in russia got in other. countries the most high valued commodity is stability and economic development and i think that one of the major achievements or for dinner putin has been the creation of the system where it doesn't really matter who is the president and who is the prime minister because of the general course of the clown show goes on in a way and in this case i think i don't. matter whether putin will hold his pose as a president for two consecutive terms or whether they will change with very for any other. and the other person who maybe we don't know but the basic idea is they're both the russian elite as my colleague and russian general public are interested in stability and they develop and so they're able to get used to these people who are
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experts are predicting a hard times for world economy for russian economy in the coming years so first of all i'd like i'd like to know your reaction how may the the the markets react to this news that they were hearing today and is putin's first room at least for it. is it going to be hard in i mean i mean. economically oh i think the markets will react positively because they're split in steam everywhere in russia so the fact that prepared to run is back and or. you know we're one hundred percent i mean what kind of percentage of what are his back so that's good news for markets but he's facing hard times about i will say this about the western politicians western politicians including vice president the u.s. vice president joe biden who came here where it is very clear that they would prefer to deal with medvedev. a victory on the court which who is going to meet our
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president today may also be a little disappointed because he also will bet on medicaid if and now he's talking to well a monk not only saw visually there is a certain. disparity they call to me between the market some of us and politicians and i think that shows you how i would see you really stick is western policy towards russia sometimes the markets say one thing and the militias say it's quite why i was asking about the hard times because because putin did promise i described now to two reason russia's g.d.p. . to a level of seven percent grant and the same on the same day finance minister in putin's government mr couldn't so bad the next decade is going to be lost because of slow world g.d.p. growth people some are even expecting a crisis coming and how these two promise is compatible with my guess this is
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a misquotation really i mean it could do that wouldn't i mean cauldrons. misquotation because quillan said absolutely the opposite thing is going to be laws decayed for the world economy that is slumping into recession while he said nothing about russia so he said it would not be easy for russian economy for years in the context is the trasher is an exporting economy and our exports are much higher than our imports so there's a core that's the contre that adds to the global g.d.p. contrary a very positive. expert input balance in this case russia is the country that actually adds up to the global g.d.p. and it will not it's not going to face any major crisis of course there is a global economy and we know there a crisis in the euro zone which could easily cause the collapse of the whole euro zone if greece is followed by spain italy and other large conscious you know european union as our major. partner but also on the science of
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second wave of recession in the united states so it's not going to be easy in russia but you know the first wave of crisis bill three years ago was passed by russia relatively easily not only in economic terms but its social demographic and political terms so russian of the pillars of russian political system. well i guess some of these. the global economy is going to have a lost decade but russian economy is going to develop really going to. the reason i'm asking is that putin's popularity let's face it i mean within his first term in office was very highly based on the high on prices he gave a lot into country economically so will he be able to give as much in his next to well i would say agree with the border there which will sicken all of policy all because it had legs because the country didn't collapse during the financial crisis
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and indeed the standard of living improved. you know the problem is in modern economy you can never be sure that next year you all have a major problem we have seen it many times in europe and in other places and certainly i think there. pandemics bracing up for hard times not for the best but perhaps both of you today in the studio well are expressing the opinion that there were there will be no will we will not be facing any surprises either on the elections to the presidential election they can stay duma december or the presidential election so what about the turnouts are people going to to use their legs to walk to the it's in police stations to vote do you expect a high turnout that would merely give is leading the ruling party into the elections and later putin is running for president were people say well what
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difference would make. well i think. it will depend on the propaganda strategy of the fourth state and the opposition will use their positioning during the last few months i've heard their position basically saying that we should not discourage people to vote because if you don't want your bulletin can be used by you know of by the state the way it was so basically. i i will not be surprised if the turnout is not so bad. who put or yeah i can't agree or. it depends on propaganda much because the russian electorate is in russian people are much more experienced and they're not naive or tall and they're not good subject to propaganda they have seen so much in their last few decades so they know quite well who to elect the political analyst. and the three by the spotlight will
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be back shortly after we take a break so stay with us. in the faraway land where human life is ruled by nature. the distant past of planet earth is scarcely preserved by the per. inch anonymous lie hidden in the deep permafrost. and for those who deal with them restored times are still not over. welcome into the future the weapons grade plutonium just turned into a vital new resource nuclear waste becomes a fuel friendly to the environment and energy outposts among the ends of the earth russian scientists lead the way in making these innovations a reality imagine
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a future free from fears of nuclear pocalypse the peaceful revolution in the tonic energy on technology obsolete we've got the future covered. twenty years ago when the largest country. to surgically. but had been trying. to teach began a journey. where did it take the. welcome back to spotlight i'm just a reminder that my guests today are political analysts you get hostile often to meet the bad bitch and we are discussing the latest news in russian politics in prague mr putin has. agreed to become the next president of russia to to run
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ratify the next president of russia after the current president dmitry medvedev. proposed him at the. congress of the united. russia through. so today we see we're facing an uphill reshuffle of the time so the prime minister is going to become a person with a dream to become prime minister and this well looks as if it's decided on really at least among the russian political elite so given do you think that this decision that and that was announced today actually you know maybe maybe even back in two thousand and seven would you say what was it initial plan to go on this way to get i don't think the initial plan because russian politics doesn't include very sophisticated so you see it because as
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a girl's putin has proven to be a really good president because they've. been living in russia all this period and i can compare the situation back in one thousand nine hundred nine and to enjoy it and what is happening right now so he knows really proven to be the leader of all the russians are because i can see talking every day to him from russia that he is popular both with small business arrived business ordinary people actual extensively along rush including poor regions of the north caucasus really supported them people in the not cautious caucuses are really grateful that repressive fire this region contributed a lot to their quality of living there and also putin is very popular among very young people people maybe who children when he got into power who went to kindergarten he's popular among them and there's a future electorate in this context i think there's no master mind plant playing a troll that goes as a girl was really proven to be
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a national leader and probably has already also contributed a lot so now we are going to see another six or maybe two consecutive presidential terms that's twelve. yes and i think this commission is going to develop or the way it will be before. i would not write playing such a rosy picture because despite all the students well let me give you an example with the north caucasus in good kitchen i will specify there is a war going on that's a huge achievement but paris to give it in neighboring back to start is huge it's much worse than in the ninety's the same thing in him here so basically the problems never disappear seems to be spills all to other places and that's why i don't think that this decision was taken taken a long ago because i think the tend to react to new challenges every week well i
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think one of the reasons why i would say the more conservative variant was chosen. to what extent it was the west policy of the west in the lead never quite accepted the russian elite as its part basically it was hostile we've seen all of this alternative to oil ruled so it won't have to gas pipelines all these things joe biden saying that he would not be sleeping to see what even put him back and grammarian so in this situation the first who were who choose mind what makes you happy i don't think you look sions into the countries bush in russia it was i believe it was me to meet him by nappy room when he was older he didn't know we were. exactly the opposite effect to and that wandered by them might want to hear it i think it contributed. contributed to the decision that was taken to date yeah but i'm not quite sure that biden is a smart answer to wish to become the new president and to do it this way you know
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provocative russian elite in term sort of you know defensive stand but i think the general result was that the west has been hostile there is no. timetable for russia's integration into the european union into european structures in general so that's why i think that a more conservative variant was still. in awe of it being popular with the rest of the lord is always a bird although for russian leader as most all russian public he is pretty conservative not hostile but conservative towards the true intentions of washington and brussels and many russians the spread of the basically year of the worst is to turn russia into the costly importing from russia natural resources and exporting their dollars and euros so in this case being popular with the lord is a nod and a sign for any russian leader well what was the partition popular with the west to lead by now he's getting ready to to to to go into
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a real politic is he put in and the one with the modernization of the country per mr putin today made in other very important nouns when and let's hear a quote right now thank the pleasure i'd like to express my gratitude to you for supporting my candidacy to run for president it's a great honor to meet you thank you. and with the parliamentary elections coming in december i'd like to ask citizens to support the united russia party with. and i believe you would you. know you would i'm convinced to become prime minister continue to thoroughly modernize our society. children. and made good life and laid their lives press secretary mr pascoe for.
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the. clothes for today said that there will be a reshuffle of the government the government we need a major reshuffle said so do you think that this. the next intrigue we will be following in russia what's going to happen to the government two of the ministers who will keep their seats well i would say that media pressure on yourself to be less conservative in terms of personnel reporting. has basically stayed with the same ministers during all here's can you as the prime minister and you know most of his term he also had to. change to the prime minister several times but he didn't change the me just simply the surprise of the stay the same of the role just met so some small changes so in general midriff is seen as a sort of
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a personnel reform. it's just sometimes easier for him to fly people than for mr putin but i would also like to see you know there is a very contradictory. objectives that they're tandem faces because i agree with igor on the one hand russian public is very suspicious of the western intentions towards russia and rightly so while the other hand they aim is to integrate russia into the world economy so every russian leader faces these daily amount not to be too popular with the west that will make him a little bit look very suspicious to his own audience and not to alienate the west because they're only in danger russia's you know integration but what putin is coming back is likely to come back in less than a used would be a new putin. should we expect something new from the new prisons you've had which is in terms of internal politics in terms of economic problems in terms of
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the general mood in the country in. the role you know any politician is there any actor has to reinvent himself to stay popular with the public. spars that in one thousand nine nine hundred. and putin came into power first as prime minister and then president. chile was. all for securing what was left of the soviet union stabilizing the current share and adding more security to. the people and generally this task has been solved russian g.d.p. has been steadily growing since generally the quality of living in russia has been improving but now with the new challenges putin has grown in you. in russia and that's already perfect these people demand are more freedom they demand more political freedom they want to take
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a more active part in the social political life and in this case i think. putin has also or probably him to be a person who is ready to change with the contras of the country changes he also changes the house in primaries of the united russia and russia party primaries which are a good different from what is usually understood under this roof in the american experience because you know how awful for our. so-called poor people's front that gets into duma they're not members of united russia those are people who don't belong to any party they're just poor people in their village in their district but people not all of them respect them and they want to see them in june of it is the law and. russian parliament you know this is a very important sign that is reinventing itself as a political leader and he feels the trends in russian society are very well. it is
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a very good remark and i also notice that david would seem to be very proud when he spoke and that congress and when he was saying that that we do have a civil society rushed. and that this whole he said is a demonstration of the civil society when he said half of the list of the ruling party is going to run for brown and nonparty members and some some of what do you believe that literally do you think do you think this is just of that propaganda that you mentioned quarter what putin is really trying to become and you pretty well yes and go because on the one hand i agree that while the reporting is a very capable politician and he's very capable to change his own ideas with time i think the west has made a major mistake when they saw him just as a former k.g.b. officer and didn't see for example into print or experience so they underestimated him but part of his team which didn't change for many years is
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a bit i would say is not as dynamic as we would like it to be thank you thank you very much dimitri in just a reminder that dimitri babich a mediocre one political analyst and columnist were my guess on the show today we discuss the latest political news from russia and that's it for now from all of us here spotlighted we'll be back with more press and comment on what's going on in and outside russia in a fourth who will follow the election campaign in this country so stay tuned to russia to give it time to take.
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to the. man.


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